Brian Needs Emergency Surgery 4 a Facial Tumor YESTERDAY
After almost 5 weeks in some of the most impoverished and suffering places on earth, the last few days for bro Aaron & I on the ground revealed one of the most heartbreaking emergencies I can think of. A young man named Brian, who was an active person before this horribleRead More
Brother William Explains ‘Blessed be ye POOR’ – WFF – GMFC
Indigenous Missionary & Northern Kenya / Southern Ethiopia Overseer Explains the True Church & the Agonizing for Salvation
Practical Reasons Africans and Others in the 3rd World are Stuck in Poverty
Ignorant people say to us “why do you send all your money to ‘them over there’ when we have poor in this country”? “Why don’t these people work hard to take care of themselves”? Answer below: CLICK LINKS BELOW Find all our mission fields here Bible commands on serving theRead More
May 15th – July 22nd 2024 Global Mission For Children – Working Faith Fellowship Updates
February & March 2024 ALL Mission Field Updates in Picture & Video
A great insight to what we are doing day and night on the fertile 3rd World mission fields, for Jesus. Pictures and videos sent to us during March & April 2024. Click the gridview as highlighted below to see thumbnails first. Western Kenya & Uganda & Tanzania February & MarchRead More
All Things in Common – and YOU? Millions Suffer from Jiggers in Africa.
This exhortation was inspired by our missions in Kenya where 1.5 million souls suffer from debilitating Jiggers. A cure can be administered for $5 USD per person yet millions suffer per year in Africa! WWJD? What are you commanded to do? Listen below. INSPIRED BY THE BELOW EMERGENCY 1st WorldRead More
The INCREDIBLE Sacrifices to get Medical Attention for the Impoverished
Please watch the video below and take action.
Dozens of Disabled Children Need Help ASAP
After helping these 2 disabled children last year in a very remote village we are ministering in, dozens have brought their children to get help and we simply don’t have the funds available to transport them to a hospital in Nairobi that has agreed to operate on them for noRead More
Does Your Son or Daughter or Sibling Live in a Dump?
These people are not lazy… They did not get themselves in this situation (living in a dump) like so many (not all) on the streets of the 1st World do. To absolutely no fault of their own, these precious souls were viciously lied to and have ended up living inRead More
The Horn of Africa where we have multiple mission fields is experiencing what is looking like the worst drought in history. They just missed another rainy season with no measurable rain. That’s now 2.5+ YEARS with no rain. It’s absolutely devastating and countless millions are starving with many dying. LivestockRead More
Helping Disabled Children to Glorify Jesus
Our ministry serves about 2500 per month at last count (those in our churches). Further, we do outreaches and reach as many more as we can but we are limited greatly by funds versus the need out there. First, we minister to their Spiritual needs and we also in conjunctionRead More
Ministering to the Drought Stricken Starving & Sick & The Great Commission in Northern Kenya & Southern Ethiopia
A New Fellowship in Gadha Korma Kenya & Murder Everywhere
Infant Dies Due 2 Crushing Drought & Murder on the Streets of Moyale
The current drought in the Horn of Africa is the worst since 1981 and is decimating the region. We received a message from our indigenous mission overseer, bro William Kosi, on March 10th alerting us that an infant of a widow was in dire need due to the lack ofRead More
A Devastating Drought Brings Famished & Forgotten Children to the Brink of Death
JANUARY 31ST, 2022: Hello dear brother, I will be out of network for like three days to visit a very remote area to evangelize. Please pray for us. FEBRUARY 4TH, 2022: We had blessed time evangelizing to very remote village and the lord did marvelous, praise his name. Sad newsRead More
The Children of Moyale Kenya Praise Jesus
Brother Rob Abagudo is a new elder in Moyale Kenya. He has 6 children and is a very committed dear brother; faithful and has passion for lost souls. His evangelism takes him all over Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia preaching in an area that has 90%+ muslim population and mostRead More
2021 Annual Report – Working Faith Fellowship Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia
Moyale, Kenya & Ethiopia is our most remote mission field and without running water or electricity. It is also home to some of the worst, most murderous fighting that had been going on “forever” as well as a drought that is currently one of the worst they have ever seen.Read More
The latest report our of our Moyale (Northern) Kenya and Southern Ethiopia mission fields is devastating and incredibly urgent. I will be blunt, the 3 pictures above are a depiction of the devastation that one of the worst droughts has brought to over 2 million precious souls. Animals they rely onRead More
War Torn Ethiopia – Future of Tigray and Horn of Africa ‘In Grave Uncertainty’
A year-long conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia has reached “disastrous proportions”, the UN political chief told the Security Council on Monday, warning of “grave uncertainty” surrounding the future of the country and stability of the whole Horn of Africa region. -All Africa News The year long conflict inRead More
3 Plus Years in the Hospital 20 Year Old Abdub is in Need
Stricken with a disease that kills upwards of 2 million people per year, back in 2018 dear Abdub was diagnosed with POTTS Disease (Spinal Tuberculous). It has wrecked havoc in his body and he is now paralyzed. We have exhausted all avenues for surgery to get him some relief andRead More
Another Widow Raped and Brethren Knifed All Because of Jesus
True Christians know the cost to follow Jesus as witnessed daily on all our 3rd World mission fields. Sadly, the vast majority in this world, especially those in the 1st world, have no idea who Jesus truly is and will end up in an eternal Lake of Fire. Along withRead More
How beautiful are the feet… Romans 10:15
As we reported in the last update here, murder reigns in Northern Kenya, yet, how beautiful are the feet of the mighty warriors of God that march on and preach the Gospel at all cost. They decided to travel to one of the most remote and dangerous places on earth.Read More
Murder in the Moyale Streets yet the Joy of Jesus Reigns
Look at how the Joy of Jesus is expressed above in the picture in spite of the mass murder that you will read about below. The 1st World turns a blind eye to the 3rd World. This includes the all the lukewarm, Revelation 3:16 “christians” that will be spewed outRead More
The Church Under a Tree
After meeting for years at the church under a tree, we have finally funded a small church building for these precious brethren. They never complained meeting here, not once. Please help us as we need more funding for other projects and of course for basic necessities. Hello dear brother Jimmy,Read More
Walking as Jesus Walked in Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia 4 GOD
The Holy Bible tells Christians that they must be “Walking as Jesus walked” in 1st John 2:6 “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.” The 3 short videos below show our fellowship that has been taking place under a treeRead More
From Islam to Jesus in Ethiopia
We thank God for his mercy, grace and his faithfulness. We really thank God because of you and all GMFC/WFF partners for your great support, prayers and word of encouragement. Windows are smiling, orphans are enjoying the goodness of your support, needy are praising the Lord for the provisions theyRead More
A Miracle in Moyale
Imagine being 17 years old and admitted to the hospital in June 2018 with POTTS Disease (Spinal Tuberculous)? That’s 2 years, 3 months and 12 days. Read on for the miracle. Now imagine that hospital is in one of the poorest places on earth with incredibly limited 3rd World resources.Read More
A Baby is Dedicated & a Baby Goat is Born in Exile
The Moyale Kenyan brethren had to flee over a week ago due to murder and mayhem in their village. They are staying with brethren in town and of course still gathering to worship and honor the Lord Jesus. William updates: Praise the Lord dear brother, our goat gave birth toRead More
A Great Need in Moyale for a Brethren’s Home
Imagine building a new home for $500? That’s exactly what it costs in much of the 3rd World as sticks, mud, hay(thatch) and manure is used to build the structure. Our dear brother Guyo Bagaja and his family of 4 children and a wife lost their home to major floodingRead More
The Widows & Orphans are Loved in Moyale Kenya
On a “normal” day the 3rd World in greatly impoverished as 22,000 children and 9,000 adults die daily from poverty. The lockdown has decimated so many more as their daily wages of $1, $2 or $3 has been taken away where most all went to food. Please join us asRead More
A Great Harvest of Corn and Blessings to the Impoverished
As we prepare to buy milk and meat goats on all our mission fields, brother William updates us on the great harvest of maize (corn) and also the blessings they are giving to the impoverished. We really appreciate your great support to the needy and poor widows and orphans andRead More
Preaching & Provision in Moyale Kenya
Brother William reports: This curfew has been so much of an obstacle to the Gospel but nothing will stop the Good News from spreading no matter what.I and a few brethren visited Dibu Dadacha fellowship today praise God. We had house to house fellowship, prayed with brethren, etc. Glory toRead More
Help Bless A Christian Family With a New Home for $500
Yes you read that right, just $600 will provide a new home for this dear Christian family in Moyale, Kenya. Dirt and cow dung is used for the floors and walls and a thatch roof. Click here to donate with just a card number and email. Brother William updates: ThereRead More
A Dear Widow in Our Fellowship Passes Leaving 3 Young Children
A very dear sister we have been helping for years just passed to Heaven. Bro William updates: Hello dear brother Jimmy, how are you and how do you do? We are doing well, we thank God for his mercy and Grace. Because lack of internet, I struggled to update youRead More
Terrorism & Coronavirus is no Match for Godly Warriors in Moyale
UPDATE 3/19/2020: Corona virus is the least of the worries for our Kenyan brethren. Please join us in helping our dear brethren that are being attacked by terrorists in N. Kenya and S. Ethiopia. Murder, rape and pillage abounds and many need to be relocated, at least temporarily, and youRead More
Natural Medicine Gospel Tracts & Nutrition in Moyale
Millions die per year from lack of medicine, lack of nutrition and lack of true love. Help us help thousands more as we administer neem oil for immune strength, moringa leaf powder for overall nutrition and natural malaria medicine to cure and prevent malaria. Don’t delay, it will be tooRead More
Christian Warriors in Moyale
Hello brethren, the widow we built the home for, Dansa Kulu, is doing good with her children. They are growing up and we thank God for his provision for the downtrodden who have been cut off from their entire family and village just because of a medical condition. We encouragedRead More
Bro Joshua Teaching at New Kenyan Fellowship
The indigenous mission brethren march forward on the front lines and after much evangelism, persecution and persistence, a new fellowship is formed. You will also see Gospel Coins we use along with our 50 page gospel tracts when evangelizing. Please pray for these precious souls to become blessed disciples hungryRead More
Proclaiming Jesus to Muslims in Kenya
Brothers William and Wario preach in Sololo (Northern) Kenya. William states: “God gave us an opportunity to share gospel in Sololo town where 99 percent are Muslims, I was proclaim to them and Wario kana was translating. All praise to Jesus.” Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus brotherRead More
A Prayer for Help for a Dear Brother
UPDATE: 4-23-2020: Dear bro Abudub has been eating after giving him immune boosting Neem Oil and Moringa for months. He has been in the hospital with Spinal Tuberculous since June 2018. Please help. URGENT UPDATE: 1-3-2020: Hello dear brethren, Abdub is becoming weak he is not eating, his condition isRead More
Brother William Feeds the Flock in Ethiopia
Our overseer of our N. Kenya and S. Ethiopia mission fields, bro William Wario, traveled to the Golole Goda Ethiopia mission field to fellowship with the brethren earlier this week. Sadly, they need a latrine as there is not one available in close proximity to the church we built. ClickRead More
The Gospel is Heard in N. Kenya & S. Ethiopia
Our thanks goes to the GMFC/WFF supporters for the wonderful work in Moyale Kenya and Ethiopia. Many widows, orphans and needy people encouraged by the word of God and support you are giving. Our 4th fellowship, which is Gotu Ethiopia have a lot water problems as this is the dryRead More
Bro William Teaching Children in the Kibera Slum
UPDATE 1-27-2019: Brother William, our Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia overseer traveled to the Kibera Slum Working Faith Fellowship for tailoring training as well as to preach and edify the brethren and the children. Below you will see him leading the children in worship as well as memory verses and teachingRead More
Sewing Training for Dressmaking in Kibera Kenya
UPDATE SATURDAY JANUARY 26TH AFTER 4 DAYS OF TRAINING: Praise the Lord our dear brethren, hoping all is well with you. We thank God for this wonderful week of learning how to make dresses, head coverings & vests for our sisters to be separate from worldly women to dress GodlyRead More
Loving Muslims as Commanded
Most unlearned souls belittle and trash Muslims to their great eternal determent. We do what Jesus commands; share with them the Good News and call them out of sin into HIS marvelous light. Our dear indigenous missionaries in Northern Kenya live in an area that is 90+% Muslim. They don’tRead More
Prayer on Moyale Mountain as Murder Rages On
Murder rages on day after day on our Moyale, Kenya & Ethiopia mission fields. Help us support these precious souls as they continue to preach the gospel, take care of the orphan and widow and pray for the lost souls who are murdering each other. Help us support these brethren. 100%Read More
Another Muslim Turns & 64 Youth Being Trained up in Jesus
UPDATE DECEMBER 6TH, 2018: Two non believers gave their life three days ago after long discussion about salvation in Jesus. One was a strong Muslim but has little knowledge of the Qur’an. I thank God for the little knowledge of Qur’an I had as it helped me to convince Him inRead More
Preaching the Gospel at All Cost in Kenya & Ethiopia
The brethren in Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia are in the middle of two wars. A spiritual war which all true Christians are in against the principalities and powers of darkness. The other war they are in the middle of is the war between 4 tribes that have been murdering eachRead More
The Church Expansion is Underway in Moyale Kenya
Some months ago it came to my attention though viewing some picture like the one to the right that the Moyale GMFC / Working Faith Fellowship was outgrowing their church building. Those are the overflow that could not fit into the church. We went into action and were able toRead More
3 Muslims Repent, a Widows Home Built & Preaching Goes Forth
AUGUST 29th UPDATE: Hello brethren, please continue to pray for this area there is fear of Al Shababa terrorists. The governments of Kenya and Ethiopia have sent letters alerting us to be careful. We thank God for his faithfulness and caring for us as we continue witnessing the true gospel noRead More
3 Day Discipleship Training for 60+ Youth from our Local Fellowships
Greetings in the name of our Lord brethren. We had great discipleship training for our our youth from each of our local fellowships. Over sixty attended and they were really glad to get this incredible opportunity to be edified by word of God as we trained them to be true disciples of Jesus.Read More
Two Dozen Brethren Evangelize Christ in the Northern Kenya Frontier
Hello brethren, we praise the Lord for the successful 2 day mission to the Qonqoma and Gotu remote villages of Kenya (these places are not even on the map). Twenty four missionaries went from our fellowships and we were incredibly blessed. Brethren, this place is so bad spiritually. They hateRead More
The Golole Goda Ethiopian Church is Finished! Praise JESUS!
Praise the Lord brethren. We are grateful to give this powerful update. This month we are so blessed in our fellowship spiritually and physically. We have day and night programs of evangelism reaching lost souls.There is some challenges here and there are terrorists named Al Shabab who are targeting churches butRead More
Widow Home Constructed, Handicap Helped & The Word Goes Forth In Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia
Praise the LORD. We are building a widow who has been shunned by her family & villagers which is typical here in Kenya, she is doubly shunned for having AIDS which her husband died of years ago. Her youngest child, a 3 year old boy is also infected with the dreaded disease.Read More
The 1st School in This Area is Being Built for JESUS!
Imagine not having access to a school at all for your child and then imagine living in a mud hut with no electricity or water. On top of that, there are tribal and government clashes often with murder and mayhem on the streets. This is exactly how much of theRead More
Heartbreak & Clean Water Arrives in Moyale Kenya AND Ethiopia
It’s heartbreaking to see how many people are literally dying daily from man-made poverty related conditions. I recently made a video that features a scene from our Moyale Ethiopia mission field where a young girl is digging feet down to find just a few drops of water for her familyRead More
Preaching to Thousands of “Lost” Refugees in Moyale Kenya
APRIL 29th UPDATE: Praise the Lord brethren, we had wonderful fellowship with refugees from Ethiopia today. God gave me opportunity to share with them the Gospel of Jesus There are more than 1000 huts but few say that they had heard about Jesus. The location of the refugee camp isRead More
Murder is everywhere on our mission fields of Moyale Ethiopia & Moyale Kenya. Please help us below as these saints are on the front-lines evangelizing in the midst of this worldly fighting. The have absolutely no fear and have counted the cost to serve Jesus. Brother William Kosi updates usRead More
Door to Door Evangelizing & Overflow Church in Moyale Kenya
Praise the Lord dear brethren. We really appreciate the packages of ministry supplies as it’s so advantageous to our ministry. We are great thankful to our God for his favor and love, He is so faithful to provide every time we are in need. We thank all our donors forRead More
A Powerful Word is Preached & Widows Served in Golole Ethiopia
3-17-2018 Praise the Lord brethren, we are had blessed Sunday service at Golole, Kenya fellowship. We preached a powerful word from the book of Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” 3-23-2018 Hello brethren, it isRead More
Southern Ethiopia is Proselytized Jesus
Brother William updates below: “Praise the Lord brethren, hope all is well with GMFC and it’s blessed supporters. Yesterday we had busy day. In the evening I was met by a woman in labour pain in very remote village and she had no means of transport and no network toRead More
Introducing Wario Kana as WFF Ethiopia Overseer
We are so blessed to announce a faithful brother that will be overseeing our Golole Goda, Ethiopia fellowship. Wario Kana, who is 26 years old, joined us one year and two months ago as we preached him out of the false “Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa”(PEFA CHURCH). He studied twoRead More
Moringa Superfood in Moyale
MORINGA in MOYALE! We are blessed to be able to send 30kg(66lbs) of Moringa to our Mission field in Northern Kenya. In the pictures below, you will see brother William distributing it to the widows in church. Glory to GOD! Join us as we minister the Good News to theseRead More
Evangelist William Wario Travels to WFF Kibera Slum
Brother William traveled to the GMFC / WFF Kibera mission field on Wednesday arriving Thursday from Moyale, Kenya. A long travel for sure! He, brohter Joseph and the team have been preaching in the Kenyatta Market to thousands and visiting the Kenyatta Hospital was also on the schedule to minister toRead More
Blessings & Endurance in Moyale Kenya in the Midst of Perplexity
As the WFF/GMFC brethren minister in the northern remote parts of Kenya near the Ethiopian border, they come across incredible poverty, both physical and spiritual. Muslims are about 90% and the rest are tribal. Sadly, education is next to nothing so the situation is peptural as hunger, disease and poverty runRead More