A Dear Widow in Our Fellowship Passes Leaving 3 Young Children
A very dear sister we have been helping for years just passed to Heaven. Bro William updates:
Hello dear brother Jimmy, how are you and how do you do? We are doing well, we thank God for his mercy and Grace. Because lack of internet, I struggled to update you about our beloved widow Dansa Kulu on her burial. Dansa visited one of her relative in Ethiopia and got sick, she was complaining of stomachache and died the same night. It is my great concern to thank GMFC/WFF for supporting her and her 3 children while she was with us. May the Lord bless the work of your hands and I pray we can continue to support her 3 dear young children.
The government announced that only 15 people to attend burial in Ethiopia. Unfortunately we were not allowed to attend the burial to avoid gathering and crossing to the other side. Even so, Dansa’s burial was successful and thank God that she is with our Lord Jesus now.
Joshua, Ruth, Abraham and all dear brethren are well pressing on to preach the Gospel. We appointed Halkano Malicha to be guiding Golole Goda, Ethiopia fellowship according to the will of our Lord Jesus. The fellowship is well although the government denounces gatherings, we are doing house fellowship and it is very effective. Some fellowship we do at outside keeping social distance. We continue to do HIS will for HIS glory. AMEN.