Category: Evangleism

Youth conference training evangelism brother William GMFC WFF christian sponsor a child

3 Day Discipleship Training for 60+ Youth from our Local Fellowships

Greetings in the name of our Lord brethren. We had great discipleship training for our our youth from each of our local fellowships. Over sixty attended and they were really glad to get this incredible opportunity to be edified by word of God as we trained them to be true disciples of Jesus.Read More

qonqoma and Gotu evangelism brother William GMFC WFF christian sponsor a child

Two Dozen Brethren Evangelize Christ in the Northern Kenya Frontier

Hello brethren, we praise the Lord for the successful 2 day mission to the Qonqoma and Gotu remote villages of Kenya (these places are not even on the map). Twenty four missionaries went from our fellowships and we were incredibly blessed. Brethren, this place is so bad spiritually. They hateRead More

The 1st School in This Area is Being Built for JESUS!

Imagine not having access to a school at all for your child and then imagine living in a mud hut with no electricity or water. On top of that, there are tribal and government clashes often with murder and mayhem on the streets. This is exactly how much of theRead More

Gotu Ethiopia Evangelism Sponsor a child christian Jesus

Southern Ethiopia is Proselytized Jesus

Brother William updates below: “Praise the Lord brethren, hope all is well with GMFC and it’s blessed supporters. Yesterday we had busy day. In the evening I was met by a woman in labour pain in very remote village and she had no means of transport and no network toRead More

Introducing Wario Kana as WFF Ethiopia Overseer

​We are so blessed to announce a faithful brother that will be overseeing our Golole Goda, Ethiopia fellowship. Wario Kana, who is 26 years old, joined us one year and two months ago as we preached him out of the false “Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa”(PEFA CHURCH). He studied twoRead More

WFF Sponsor a Christian Child Kenya World Vision

Evangelist William Wario Travels to WFF Kibera Slum

Brother William traveled to the GMFC / WFF Kibera mission field on Wednesday arriving Thursday from Moyale, Kenya. A long travel for sure! He, brohter Joseph and the team have been preaching in the Kenyatta Market to thousands and visiting the Kenyatta Hospital was also on the schedule to minister toRead More

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