Category: Uncategorized
A Miracle in Moyale
Imagine being 17 years old and admitted to the hospital in June 2018 with POTTS Disease (Spinal Tuberculous)? That’s 2 years, 3 months and 12 days. Read on for the miracle. Now imagine that hospital is in one of the poorest places on earth with incredibly limited 3rd World resources.Read More
A Baby is Dedicated & a Baby Goat is Born in Exile
The Moyale Kenyan brethren had to flee over a week ago due to murder and mayhem in their village. They are staying with brethren in town and of course still gathering to worship and honor the Lord Jesus. William updates: Praise the Lord dear brother, our goat gave birth toRead More
A Great Need in Moyale for a Brethren’s Home
Imagine building a new home for $500? That’s exactly what it costs in much of the 3rd World as sticks, mud, hay(thatch) and manure is used to build the structure. Our dear brother Guyo Bagaja and his family of 4 children and a wife lost their home to major floodingRead More
The Widows & Orphans are Loved in Moyale Kenya
On a “normal” day the 3rd World in greatly impoverished as 22,000 children and 9,000 adults die daily from poverty. The lockdown has decimated so many more as their daily wages of $1, $2 or $3 has been taken away where most all went to food. Please join us asRead More
A Great Harvest of Corn and Blessings to the Impoverished
As we prepare to buy milk and meat goats on all our mission fields, brother William updates us on the great harvest of maize (corn) and also the blessings they are giving to the impoverished. We really appreciate your great support to the needy and poor widows and orphans andRead More
Preaching & Provision in Moyale Kenya
Brother William reports: This curfew has been so much of an obstacle to the Gospel but nothing will stop the Good News from spreading no matter what.I and a few brethren visited Dibu Dadacha fellowship today praise God. We had house to house fellowship, prayed with brethren, etc. Glory toRead More
Help Bless A Christian Family With a New Home for $500
Yes you read that right, just $600 will provide a new home for this dear Christian family in Moyale, Kenya. Dirt and cow dung is used for the floors and walls and a thatch roof. Click here to donate with just a card number and email. Brother William updates: ThereRead More
A Dear Widow in Our Fellowship Passes Leaving 3 Young Children
A very dear sister we have been helping for years just passed to Heaven. Bro William updates: Hello dear brother Jimmy, how are you and how do you do? We are doing well, we thank God for his mercy and Grace. Because lack of internet, I struggled to update youRead More
Terrorism & Coronavirus is no Match for Godly Warriors in Moyale
UPDATE 3/19/2020: Corona virus is the least of the worries for our Kenyan brethren. Please join us in helping our dear brethren that are being attacked by terrorists in N. Kenya and S. Ethiopia. Murder, rape and pillage abounds and many need to be relocated, at least temporarily, and youRead More
Natural Medicine Gospel Tracts & Nutrition in Moyale
Millions die per year from lack of medicine, lack of nutrition and lack of true love. Help us help thousands more as we administer neem oil for immune strength, moringa leaf powder for overall nutrition and natural malaria medicine to cure and prevent malaria. Don’t delay, it will be tooRead More