Jesus is Kenya God Donate World Vision Compassion International

Help us Build a Church in Dibu Dadacha Kenya for $750

The dear brethren of Dibu Dadacha, Kenya outgrew the home they were meeting in over a year ago and still need a humble mud church to meet in. $750 will provide enough materials to build a church big enough to hold the precious brethren so they don’t have to meet under a tree like they have been. Please help me provide this huge blessing for them. Brother William updates:

We are praying God to provide the Diby Dadache fellowship a small structure for shade from the hot sun and rain as the fellowship is growing. During the rain season they struggle as they worship under a tree as you will see in the short video below. At the moment, most of our fellowships are affected by fighting between the Ethiopian army and Oromo Liberation Front. They fought and 7 soldier from Ethiopia were killed in Kenya side and I don’t understand why the Kenya government is silent on this scenario for about 31 years now. All villages near borders ran away and are often effected by this chaos. Let us pray for peace in Jesus name.

-Brother William Kosi (Overseer)
Donate to Build a Church in Diby Dadache Kenya

Donate to Build a Church in Diby Dadache Kenya (card # and email is all that's needed). 100% goes directly to the cause.

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