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Moyale WFF GMFC Update Kenya Ethiopia Sponsor a child

Christian Warriors in Moyale

Hello brethren, the widow we built the home for, Dansa Kulu, is doing good with her children. They are growing up and we thank God for his provision for the downtrodden who have been cut off from their entire family and village just because of a medical condition. We encouragedRead More

William and Wario Preaching Kenya Jesus

Proclaiming Jesus to Muslims in Kenya

Brothers William and Wario preach in Sololo (Northern) Kenya. William states: “God gave us an opportunity to share gospel in Sololo town where 99 percent are Muslims, I was proclaim to them and Wario kana was translating. All praise to Jesus.” Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus brotherRead More

Abudub medical emergency Kenya

A Prayer for Help for a Dear Brother

UPDATE: 4-23-2020: Dear bro Abudub has been eating after giving him immune boosting Neem Oil and Moringa for months. He has been in the hospital with Spinal Tuberculous since June 2018. Please help. URGENT UPDATE: 1-3-2020: Hello dear brethren, Abdub is becoming weak he is not eating, his condition isRead More

Kenya Christian Update Ethiopia Sponsor a Child Sponsorship Collage.jpg

A Baby Dedicated to the Lord in Moyale Kenya

The brethren are truly raising up children in the way they should go. Will you help us reach more precious souls in the most remote & impoverished places on earth? We are looking for true Christians who want to fulfill scriptures like James 1:27, Matthew 25:34-36, Proverbs 31:20, etc.

GMFC WFF Moyale Collage Update March 2019

Brother William Feeds the Flock in Ethiopia

Our overseer of our N. Kenya and S. Ethiopia mission fields, bro William Wario, traveled to the Golole Goda Ethiopia mission field to fellowship with the brethren earlier this week. Sadly, they need a latrine as there is not one available in close proximity to the church we built. ClickRead More

Moyale Ethiopia Kenya donate Children widows world vision

The Gospel is Heard in N. Kenya & S. Ethiopia

Our thanks goes to the GMFC/WFF supporters for the wonderful work in Moyale Kenya and Ethiopia. Many widows, orphans and needy people encouraged by the word of God and support you are giving. Our 4th fellowship, which is Gotu Ethiopia have a lot water problems as this is the dryRead More

WFF GMFC MOYALE KENYA William preaching Kibera Slum

Bro William Teaching Children in the Kibera Slum

UPDATE 1-27-2019: Brother William, our Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia overseer traveled to the Kibera Slum Working Faith Fellowship for tailoring training as well as to preach and edify the brethren and the children. Below you will see him leading the children in worship as well as memory verses and teachingRead More


Sewing Training for Dressmaking in Kibera Kenya

UPDATE SATURDAY JANUARY 26TH AFTER 4 DAYS OF TRAINING: Praise the Lord our dear brethren, hoping all is well with you. We thank God for this wonderful week of learning how to make dresses, head coverings & vests for our sisters to be separate from worldly women to dress GodlyRead More


Loving Muslims as Commanded

Most unlearned souls belittle and trash Muslims to their great eternal determent. We do what Jesus commands; share with them the Good News and call them out of sin into HIS marvelous light. Our dear indigenous missionaries in Northern Kenya live in an area that is 90+% Muslim. They don’tRead More

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