A Devastating Drought Brings Famished & Forgotten Children to the Brink of Death

JANUARY 31ST, 2022: Hello dear brother, I will be out of network for like three days to visit a very remote area to evangelize. Please pray for us. FEBRUARY 4TH, 2022: We had blessed time evangelizing to very remote village and the lord did marvelous, praise his name. Sad newsRead More

Brother Rob with Working Faith Fellowship Moyale Kenya Children Banner

The Children of Moyale Kenya Praise Jesus

Brother Rob Abagudo is a new elder in Moyale Kenya. He has 6 children and is a very committed dear brother; faithful and has passion for lost souls. His evangelism takes him all over Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia preaching in an area that has 90%+ muslim population and mostRead More

Moyale Kenya 2021 Year in review banner

2021 Annual Report – Working Faith Fellowship Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia

Moyale, Kenya & Ethiopia is our most remote mission field and without running water or electricity. It is also home to some of the worst, most murderous fighting that had been going on “forever” as well as a drought that is currently one of the worst they have ever seen.Read More



The latest report our of our Moyale (Northern) Kenya and Southern Ethiopia mission fields is devastating and incredibly urgent. I will be blunt, the 3 pictures above are a depiction of the devastation that one of the worst droughts has brought to over 2 million precious souls. Animals they rely onRead More

Murder in Sololono Moyale

War Torn Ethiopia – Future of Tigray and Horn of Africa ‘In Grave Uncertainty’

A year-long conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia has reached “disastrous proportions”, the UN political chief told the Security Council on Monday, warning of “grave uncertainty” surrounding the future of the country and stability of the whole Horn of Africa region. -All Africa News The year long conflict inRead More

Abdub Coming Home Kenyatta Hospital

3 Plus Years in the Hospital 20 Year Old Abdub is in Need

Stricken with a disease that kills upwards of 2 million people per year, back in 2018 dear Abdub was diagnosed with POTTS Disease (Spinal Tuberculous). It has wrecked havoc in his body and he is now paralyzed. We have exhausted all avenues for surgery to get him some relief andRead More

William Preaching WFF Kibera Slum Kenya Banner

Bro William Preaches at the Kibera Slum Fellowship

As dear brother William, our Northern (Moyale) Kenya and Southern Ethiopia overseer tends to dear Abdud, who has been in a Northern Kenya Hospital for over 3 years with Spinal TB (POTTS Disease) and now at the Kenyatta Hospital in Nairobi, he is fellowshipping with the Kibera Slum Fellowship whichRead More

Moyale GMFC WFF Brethren attacked by knife and widow raped banner

Another Widow Raped and Brethren Knifed All Because of Jesus

True Christians know the cost to follow Jesus as witnessed daily on all our 3rd World mission fields. Sadly, the vast majority in this world, especially those in the 1st world, have no idea who Jesus truly is and will end up in an eternal Lake of Fire. Along withRead More

How beautiful are the feet preach gospel Kenya

How beautiful are the feet… Romans 10:15

As we reported in the last update here, murder reigns in Northern Kenya, yet, how beautiful are the feet of the mighty warriors of God that march on and preach the Gospel at all cost. They decided to travel to one of the most remote and dangerous places on earth.Read More

Moyale Kenya Jesus Christians Saved Banner God

Murder in the Moyale Streets yet the Joy of Jesus Reigns

Look at how the Joy of Jesus is expressed above in the picture in spite of the mass murder that you will read about below. The 1st World turns a blind eye to the 3rd World. This includes the all the lukewarm, Revelation 3:16 “christians” that will be spewed outRead More

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