Terrorism & Coronavirus is no Match for Godly Warriors in Moyale
UPDATE 3/19/2020: Corona virus is the least of the worries for our Kenyan brethren. Please join us in helping our dear brethren that are being attacked by terrorists in N. Kenya and S. Ethiopia. Murder, rape and pillage abounds and many need to be relocated, at least temporarily, and you can help. 100% goes directly to the impoverished and oppressed brethren. Pray but also give as the need is dire. Help me serve Jesus by showing these precious souls HIS love in thought, word AND deed. Thank you very much. (James 1:27, Matt 25:33-46). Pray for the brethren’s safety and continued boldness AND the terrorists to stop their godless actions and to turn to Christ in bitter repentance.
3-14-2020 UPDATE: “Things are worsening here day by day, six people were killed yesterday who are the neighborhood of our member. We press on with the Gospel of Jesus no matter what.” -Bro William Kosi (Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia)