Southern Ethiopia is Proselytized Jesus
Brother William updates below:
“Praise the Lord brethren, hope all is well with GMFC and it’s blessed supporters. Yesterday we had busy day. In the evening I was met by a woman in labour pain in very remote village and she had no means of transport and no network to call the ambulance. It was the village we are evangelizing in, they are Muslims. So I took her to hospital. The road was rough and I was to ride slowly. I thank God because this is one way of evangelism as the villagers were very really happy about our heart of love, in fact, they had no single coin to take her to hospital but we helped them with what God has blessed us with. We must be good Samaritans, Amen.
Last Sunday a woman came to church and witnessed how God is using us, she confessed her sin, praise the Lord. Today we went for prayer at our second fellowship where the church was under a tree before and we build a church there. Three of us are going for prayer and fasting, a half day. The Lord is with us. Finally, we praise the Lord for the powerful fellowship at Goda Gotu Ethiopia as we went and preach to them, many came to watch and I believe God spoke to them as we preached in the open-air.