Proclaiming Jesus to Muslims in Kenya
Brothers William and Wario preach in Sololo (Northern) Kenya. William states: “God gave us an opportunity to share gospel in Sololo town where 99 percent are Muslims, I was proclaim to them and Wario kana was translating. All praise to Jesus.”
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus brother Jimmy and GMFC/WFF. We thank God for his faithfulness in our fields, Moyale Kenya and Ethiopia. Also, we appreciate you all for the great support you are giving us in the third world country. Widows are smiling, orphans are enjoying, needy are blessed and Gospel is pressing on. We are doing our daily door to door evangelism although Muslims are so stubborn and violent God is giving us grace to reach to them and God is calling them to salvation. We will not give up until Jesus come back. We continue proclaiming Gospel at every chance.
We are praying and planning to start two new fellowships. One is at Sololo town where 99 percent are Muslims. There are also a few Catholic and Anglican church believers who are misleading people with their false Doctrine and gospel. The second is DIBU DADACHA village where all the villagers are devil worshippers. We have started evangelizing and we are God to transform them.
Our Moyale fellowship is going on well despite the challenges of insecurity and government harassment the Gospel is spreading. -Bro William Wario Kosi (Kenya Overseer)
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