Help Bless A Christian Family With a New Home for $500
Yes you read that right, just $600 will provide a new home for this dear Christian family in Moyale, Kenya. Dirt and cow dung is used for the floors and walls and a thatch roof. Click here to donate with just a card number and email. Brother William updates:
There is family that recently gave their life to Jesus and they were struggling with poverty. We are helping them as much as we can but there house is leaking and we don’t have the money to fix it. It’s the rainy season and the family is very uncomfortable as they live in a water logged home. We visited them and gave them food and Word of encouragement and prayed with them. Let us keep them in our prayers to the Lord to strengthen their Faith and provide them their basic needs. We pray to build them a new home as soon as possible.
Bro William Kosi (Moyale, Kenya)