Impoverished Children Need Sponsorship in Moyale Kenya
Sort by typing “MOYALE” in the search box below and please consider sponsoring one of these precious children. We have some details about their situation and some we have a very short video of the child. They are very shy and live in grave poverty without electricity, running or cleanRead More
Introducing Wario Kana as WFF Ethiopia Overseer
We are so blessed to announce a faithful brother that will be overseeing our Golole Goda, Ethiopia fellowship. Wario Kana, who is 26 years old, joined us one year and two months ago as we preached him out of the false “Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa”(PEFA CHURCH). He studied twoRead More
Moringa Superfood in Moyale
MORINGA in MOYALE! We are blessed to be able to send 30kg(66lbs) of Moringa to our Mission field in Northern Kenya. In the pictures below, you will see brother William distributing it to the widows in church. Glory to GOD! Join us as we minister the Good News to theseRead More
Evangelist William Wario Travels to WFF Kibera Slum
Brother William traveled to the GMFC / WFF Kibera mission field on Wednesday arriving Thursday from Moyale, Kenya. A long travel for sure! He, brohter Joseph and the team have been preaching in the Kenyatta Market to thousands and visiting the Kenyatta Hospital was also on the schedule to minister toRead More
Blessings & Endurance in Moyale Kenya in the Midst of Perplexity
As the WFF/GMFC brethren minister in the northern remote parts of Kenya near the Ethiopian border, they come across incredible poverty, both physical and spiritual. Muslims are about 90% and the rest are tribal. Sadly, education is next to nothing so the situation is peptural as hunger, disease and poverty runRead More