Two Dozen Brethren Evangelize Christ in the Northern Kenya Frontier
Hello brethren, we praise the Lord for the successful 2 day mission to the Qonqoma and Gotu remote villages of Kenya (these places are not even on the map). Twenty four missionaries went from our fellowships and we were incredibly blessed. Brethren, this place is so bad spiritually. They hate the Gospel so much that they chase you when they hear us preach Jesus. Most of them are misled by Muslims and Borana (tribal) culture. While we were worshiping at night, a lady who was demon possessed ran towards us and we started rebuking, but they stopped us not to cast it out. They surely need prayer. We used our ministry van and four motorbikes to transport the 2 dozen missionars. We thank God for for His protection as so many people fear Al Shabab (local terrorists that are murdering many, including Christians) yet we still preach Jesus without fear of man. We live for Christ, but if we die, we will be with Lord. Thank you for your prayer and support dear brethren. -William Wario Kosi, Joshua Galgallo & Wario Kana (Northern Kenya & Southern Ethiopia Overseers).
Door to door evangelism: