The Gospel is Heard in N. Kenya & S. Ethiopia
Our thanks goes to the GMFC/WFF supporters for the wonderful work in Moyale Kenya and Ethiopia. Many widows, orphans and needy people encouraged by the word of God and support you are giving. Our 4th fellowship, which is Gotu Ethiopia have a lot water problems as this is the dry season. We thank God that our place is better since the good Samaritan drilled borehole after our long prayer. The animals however are struggling because there is no place for animal to drinks. Kindly pray for Gotu and our Sololo area for rain so animals stop dying of dehydration.
We had great open air preach. Many attended and it was full of presence of Holy spirit brethren. Muslims came to watch because it is at an open place in the middle of the village. Pray for their souls. Our other elders, brother Joshua and brother Wario also joined me in preaching to these precious souls. Enjoy the movie below.