The Golole Goda Ethiopian Church is Finished! Praise JESUS!
Praise the Lord brethren. We are grateful to give this powerful update. This month we are so blessed in our fellowship spiritually and physically. We have day and night programs of evangelism reaching lost souls.There is some challenges here and there are terrorists named Al Shabab who are targeting churches but thank God we are safe and trusting in HIM. Also, there is fighting between the Borana and Gari tribes with much morder in our streets. There is fear of movement but we give glory to God we never stop evangelizing, God is on our side. “For us to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Php 1:21). We completed our Ethiopia fellowship construction and we praise the Lord for all this wonderful work and out supporters for this much needed building. We are nearing the completion on the widow’s house and they are very happy to receive this blessing. We are also working on church expansion and we are preparing my house construction, I will update you soon on these projects.
We appreciate all our dear partners for the great support, without them we could not reach nearly as many souls or serve the very poor like we do. Our needy children and orphans are so blessed and widows are so thankful. We thank the dear brethren for your concern for our spiritual and physical well being. We are praying for you all. We are going for a two day evangrlistic mission tomorrow using our van though the road and it’s very rough, please pray for us. We come back on Wednesday and start youth discipleship 3 day training on Thursday up to Saturday this week. To Jesus be all the glory. AMEN. -Brother William Wario Kosi (Northern Kenya & Southern Ethiopia mission overseer).