Preaching to Thousands of “Lost” Refugees in Moyale Kenya
APRIL 29th UPDATE: Praise the Lord brethren, we had wonderful fellowship with refugees from Ethiopia today. God gave me opportunity to share with them the Gospel of Jesus There are more than 1000 huts but few say that they had heard about Jesus. The location of the refugee camp is also occupied by muslims. I thank God for His precious moment to reach to the refugees to share heart of Jesus. I managed to buy 96 flashlights and batteries They are more than 1000 family and more 3000 person in the camp that had to flee Ethiopia fromm murder and mayhem. I just shared the spiritual food and also physical things & encouraged them to be the light to their families and the whole camp in Jesus name. Jesus is light
 so I encouraged them to be light. We are also preparing materials for Golole Goda Ethiopia church/school/ministry center building brethren, praise the Lord. Very soon we start construction. Thanks so much to all donors who make this possible.