Loving Muslims as Commanded
Most unlearned souls belittle and trash Muslims to their great eternal determent. We do what Jesus commands; share with them the Good News and call them out of sin into HIS marvelous light. Our dear indigenous missionaries in Northern Kenya live in an area that is 90+% Muslim. They don’t flee or put them down, they preach to them and some have been saved over the many years we have served there. No electricity, no running water but tons of zeal for the LORD. Brother William Wario Kosi, our overseer, updates:
“There is a newer place we are evangelising for one and half a months and there is not a single believer They are so violent Muslims but we continue witness to them, no turning back. Yesterday we were almost beaten as the entire village surrounded us, but thanks to Jesus, we stayed calm and eventually they heard the Good News. Praise God.”
A whole Muslim family turns to Jesus, click here. Learn how to preach to Muslims, click here.
My child is again sick and he’s not eating, has a stomachache, diarrhea and vomiting for three days now. He was very weak so we took him to the hospital today and he was admitted. Please pray for Him dear brethren.
Dr Doing Tests My Wife & Child William’s Family
Last urgent request, please pray for my son-in law, Abudub, who has been in the hospital with POTTS disease (Spinal TB). His treatment is adding up each day and more month are needed as they try to cure him. He has children and is an only parent. Please help financially if you can. Thank you.