Helping Disabled Children to Glorify Jesus
Our ministry serves about 2500 per month at last count (those in our churches). Further, we do outreaches and reach as many more as we can but we are limited greatly by funds versus the need out there. First, we minister to their Spiritual needs and we also in conjunction help them with their physical needs. Sadly as many of the readers know, over 22,000 children under the age of 5 die daily from man-made poverty. Poverty caused by the 1st World being gluttons in every meaning of the word instead of helping the “least of these” as Jesus commands throughout His word. I want to highlight 2 disabled children we are helping on Northern Kenya / Southern Ethiopia mission field.
The 1st one is dear Gira. The indigenous Kenyan missionaries were ministering in a new area (Wayama) and they came across a precious child that was in pain and disabled. He was limping greatly on his right leg and was like this from birth. He would have stayed like this for the rest of his life if we did not find him as this area of Kenya is incredibly remote and no one can afford medical care, many can’t afford food on a daily basis especially now during one of the worst droughts in history.
We took immediate action and brought him to the hospital. They took x-rays and said he heeded to go to Nairobi (a full days bus trip) to get surgery. We brought him last month and they said they could do surgery and get the foot straightened out. They said they can fuse it so at least he can walk “normally” with a slight limp but no pain. In fact, I have a double ankle fusion on my left ankle.
We came up with the $1,500 that was needed for the surgery but unfortunately dear Gira’s iron was way to low to operate, so, they gave him iron supplement’s to take for 3 months and we will reschedule. Please if you can, help us treat more children like Gira. The amount of disabled children where we serve is countless. You can truly save / change a child’s life forever for just a few hundred dollars.

The surrounding villages heard that complete strangers from many miles away were helping in ways they never saw before, so, many started to come and bring their sick children. Of course we are blessed as the Gospel is being preached constantly but the need for medical treatment is so much and we simply don’t have the financial means but to help one or two here and there.
The 2nd child we decided to help is named Guyo. This dear child is 11 years old and stopped walking at 7 years old all of a sudden. He was close to death when we found him (we were informed of this when we brought him to the hospital). We took him to the closest hospital 1st and they immediately sent us to Nairobi for a Cat Scan of the brain. This poor child had water of the brain and needed emergency surgery. We immediately agreed to pay the approx $1,500 for the surgery to put a shunt (tube) in his brain that goes down to his stomach where the fluid can drain instead of building up in his brain where he could have died any minute.
Again, you can see that just for a few dollars (compared to the $50,000 – $100,000++ that the 1st World charges for the exact same surgery (godless souls), we can save a life. Surgery was performed immediately in late August and Guyo is back home recovering nicely. We will be bringing him back to the Dr in Nairobi in 2 weeks for a follow-up and he will also need orthotics, crutches, PT, etc so he can prayerfully learn how to walk again. Would you please help us with these expenses?