Dozens of Disabled Children Need Help ASAP
After helping these 2 disabled children last year in a very remote village we are ministering in, dozens have brought their children to get help and we simply don’t have the funds available to transport them to a hospital in Nairobi that has agreed to operate on them for no charge. Horrible deformities and other issues that need to be treated immediately lest these children will live a very short life as most do in the 3rd World where the populus simply does not have the resources to even get transportation to the Dr’s, neverminded pay the minimal Dr’s fees that are charged.
We are in need of just $1,000 (USD) to transport 3 children to Nairobi to get diagnosed and treated. Kindly view the video below and then click here to donate to these young souls so they can live a “normal” life not in constant physical pain and ridicule.

Below you will find the latest updates for our other mission fields in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda India and Bangladesh. All future updates will be posted at these links and are updated weekly. Working Faith Fellowship is the name of the Global Mission for Children Fellowships (Churches).