Brother William Feeds the Flock in Ethiopia
Our overseer of our N. Kenya and S. Ethiopia mission fields, bro William Wario, traveled to the Golole Goda Ethiopia mission field to fellowship with the brethren earlier this week. Sadly, they need a latrine as there is not one available in close proximity to the church we built. Click here or scroll below if you can help, any amount is a huge blessing and 100% goes directly to the cause.
“How are you and how do you do in the Lord? it is a great privilege to us in Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia (GMFC/WFF) to work “alongside” our dear sponsors even though many are almost 10,000 miles away. We are so thankful for your good work in the Lord feeding the needy, taking care of orphans and widows and preaching Gospel to the lost souls. We are always praying for all our sponsors, may the Lord keep you and bless you abundantly. Although the missionary work is not easy, we are always ready to serve our Lord and preach good news to the lost. Last Sunday I visited our moyale Ethiopia GMFC/WFF, they are pressing on as the dry season is hurting many people and animals who are struggling for water. Actually, they are depending on Kenya and await long lines as they come in the morning and they get water in the evening due to congestion. Let pray for rain that they will be settled and worship the Lord. The Moyale Ethiopia fellowship is requesting funding for a toilet/latrine. They don’t have any place to help themselves. Let pray for God’s provision as they requested.” -Bro William Wario