War Torn Ethiopia – Future of Tigray and Horn of Africa ‘In Grave Uncertainty’
A year-long conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia has reached “disastrous proportions”, the UN political chief told the Security Council on Monday, warning of “grave uncertainty” surrounding the future of the country and stability of the whole Horn of Africa region.
-All Africa News
The year long conflict in Ethiopia has escalated into a catastrophic war as millions are displaced and countless souls are murdered and being tortured on a daily basis. Further, the border between Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya where we serve is shut down. This is absolutely devastating as the brethren are just coming off a horrible months long drought that devastated the region. Cattle are dying by the hundreds and we just lost 3 baby goats! As you will read in the news story below, it’s about as bad as it can get with starvation impacting over 400,000 more people just in this region. They need your help immediately.
Cut Off and Hungry
-All Africa News
While more than seven million people need humanitarian aid in northern Ethiopia today, efforts to mobilize assistance in Tigray – where more than five million lack food and an estimated 400,000 now live in famine-like conditions – are made more difficult due to the inability to move cash, fuel and supplies into the region.
“No aid trucks have reached Mekelle since 18 October amid continued airstrikes”, Ms. DiCarlo said, adding that since strikes on 22 October on the regional capital of Tigray, UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) flights have remained suspended while fuel shipments have been blocked since August.