Preaching the Gospel at All Cost in Kenya & Ethiopia
The brethren in Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia are in the middle of two wars. A spiritual war which all true Christians are in against the principalities and powers of darkness. The other war they are in the middle of is the war between 4 tribes that have been murdering each other for years in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia. Here is an example of a report we get all too often:
“Much bloodshed in Moyale and Marsabit as four tribes are fighting each other (Borana, Gabra, Burji and Gari tribes). Today, three Borana killed in battle Field and many injured on both sides. People are not sleeping at home in the villages and a lot of fear. No movement, no business, no gathering as everything is stopped. We need a lot of your prayers dear brother as we press on preaching the gospel at all cost.” -Bro WilliamWario Kosi
As you can see in the pictures above, despite the fighting, these fearless warriors of Jesus continue to to the work as true disciples of Christ. Gospel tracts are handed out as they evangelise door to door and a church addition as there was standing room only! Imagine, no running water, no electricity and constant war yet still unending JOY in the LORD serving HIM day and night. And you? Help us support these precious souls by donating below, or, hover over the “donate” menu item above for other ways to partner with us. Romans 10:15 “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good thins!”