3 Muslims Repent, a Widows Home Built & Preaching Goes Forth
AUGUST 29th UPDATE: Hello brethren, please continue to pray for this area there is fear of Al Shababa terrorists. The governments of Kenya and Ethiopia have sent letters alerting us to be careful. We thank God for his faithfulness and caring for us as we continue witnessing the true gospel no matter the situation and threat is. People must know true repentance and we never live for our self but Christ as the Bible says in Galatians 2:20 and we know that for us to live is Christ and to die is to gain Philippians 1:21. Three Muslims confessed that Jesus is lord and repented their sin this week,one woman called Wato,Waqo and Boru Please keep praying for them that they will be strong in the Lord.We are planning and praying to have leaders training next week let pray that it will be successful.
The widows home is finished and we have prepared all the materials for church expansion which we will start next week,God willing. My house is also started construction and I have decided to give one needy family in our fellowship GALM DIDA who has four children my old home. What a blessing.
Our fellowship in Ethiopia is very well. The people are so stubborn to come to Christ as they were so involved in their culture but Jesus is still calling His sheep out there, praise Him. We bought 20 chairs for Golole Goda fellowship and they need just ten more chairs. We really appreciate the Lord for what he is doing in our mission field. We are so much thankful to the GMFC brethren for all the support,word of prayer, word of encouragement and your concern in all areas. We have no word to express your love brother, but the Lord is seeing everything you are doing for his name. We also appreciate our donors for there great sacrifice ,may the lord bless you all in Jesus name. Thank you. -William Kosi
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