3 Plus Years in the Hospital 20 Year Old Abdub is in Need
Stricken with a disease that kills upwards of 2 million people per year, back in 2018 dear Abdub was diagnosed with POTTS Disease (Spinal Tuberculous). It has wrecked havoc in his body and he is now paralyzed. We have exhausted all avenues for surgery to get him some relief and he is just returned home in Moyale from a 2 month stay at the Kenyatta Hospital in Nairobi. Dear brother William left his family for 2 full months to be by Abdub’s side. There is no electricity or running water so we are looking to make his time here on earth as comfortable as possible.
Please view the video below and click here to help. We are praying to build an addition on bro William’s home ($500) where Abdub will have a separate area to live as he needs a cathater and has other medical needs that shold be attended to in a private setting. We also need to buy an electric wheelchair (recharged by solar) as it’s very muddy where they live and various medical supplies he needs like catheters, bandages, etc. He has a plethora of health issues including paralysis from the waste down, his legs are locked in the fetal position, bed sores, inflamed genetalia, an abscess in his stomach as well as the TB has returned. Please help this precious soul.