Category: Moyale Kenya


Heartbreak & Clean Water Arrives in Moyale Kenya AND Ethiopia

It’s heartbreaking to see how many people are literally dying daily from man-made poverty related conditions. I recently made a video that features a scene from our Moyale Ethiopia mission field where a young girl is digging feet down to find just a few drops of water for her familyRead More

Preaching to Thousands of “Lost” Refugees in Moyale Kenya

APRIL 29th UPDATE: Praise the Lord brethren, we had wonderful fellowship with refugees from Ethiopia today. God gave me opportunity to share with them the Gospel of Jesus There are more than 1000 huts but few say that they had heard about Jesus. The location of the refugee camp isRead More


Murder is everywhere on our mission fields of Moyale Ethiopia & Moyale Kenya. Please help us below as these saints are on the front-lines evangelizing in the midst of this worldly fighting. The have absolutely no fear and have counted the cost to serve Jesus. Brother William Kosi updates usRead More

Door to Door Evangelizing & Overflow Church in Moyale Kenya

Praise the Lord dear brethren. We really appreciate the packages of ministry supplies as it’s so advantageous to our ministry. We are great thankful to our God for his favor and love, He is so faithful to provide every time we are in need. We thank all our donors forRead More

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