Blessings & Endurance in Moyale Kenya in the Midst of Perplexity
As the WFF/GMFC brethren minister in the northern remote parts of Kenya near the Ethiopian border, they come across incredible poverty, both physical and spiritual. Muslims are about 90% and the rest are tribal. Sadly, education is next to nothing so the situation is peptural as hunger, disease and poverty run rampant in these forgotten parts of the world. Shame is upon the professing Christians who don’t help but we praise Jesus for those who do as you are helping shine HIS light in these incredibly dark areas. We welcome you to join us as a monthly partner or a one-time suporter as the brethren preach the gospel to the lost daily and minister to help the incredible needs of these people. This month, the precious soul to the right, Nagele Kulu, who is only 2 & 1/2 years old is HIV positive and is very sick. Her mother who is a widow is also HIV positive. Saints, please remember them your prayers and do what you can as we do what we can to help.